Handy Library Manager
 for Windows

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How to design library spine label?

The Handy Library Manager offers several predefined spine label templates for you to review. Take a moment to check their sizes and content to determine which options will work best for your library.

Once you've made your selection, you can purchase the labels at your local office supply store or online.

Designing your spine labels is also quick and easy. This guide will explain how to create new spine labels effortlessly.

Purchase/Review Spine Labels
Print One Spine Label

design spine labels in handy library software

In the Main Library Catalog window, check the option "Display Each Copy". By selecting this option, you will gain access to all item data fields, including both the main item data and copy data. Next, click on "Labels" and choose "New Label".

library software, print spine labels window

The Print Labels window initially includes three preselected data fields (1).

Click the Red Arrow (2) button to deselect any fields.

design spine labels, select CALL data field

In our library catalog, the spine information is stored in the CALL data field (copy section).

To include CALL in your search, select CALL in the "All Fields" box and then click the green arrow button (1) to add it to the "Included Fields" box.

Finally, click on "Quick Preview" (2) to view the results.

design spine labels select label type

The default label type selected is not be suitable for the spine label.

To choose a new label type, go to the Label Type tab and open the Label List (1). In this example, we have selected the Demco 48 Spine label.

Click on "Quick Preview" to review your label type selection.

Note: If you already have labels that are not listed in our predefined options, you can create a custom label:
create custom label.

design spine labels new line option

How to use the Space New Line (1) option?

When entering the spine value into the CALL (DEWEY or LCC) data field, separate parts of the information with a SPACE. This space will allow you to display pieces of data on separate lines.

For example, this value:
013 .31 MER Vol.1
you could display on the spine in the following form:

design spine labels font size

How to change spine label left/right and top/bottom margins, font type, font style, and font size?

On the Body tab, enter the Left and Top margins. Click Change Font and select font type, style, and size (1).

Click Quick Preview (2) to verify changes.

Click Save Labels (3) to save the design for future use.


I plan on using the CALL field that is automatically populated. I notice that some of the call numbers have a space after the decimal point. Will this cause it to add a line on the label?

In the Print Labels section, the "Space - New Line" option determines whether a space will be replaced by a new line.

Now for the software administrator questions. Can I define the format of the spine labels myself? Can different sections of the library have different formats for spine labels? (non-fiction should have the Dewey call number, while the fiction will not.)

You can create multiple spine labels and save them as distinct templates, one for non-fiction and another for different sections of the library.

How can I print the label with field1 & " " & field2?
Dewey + " " + Location
How can I mass update a constant value to a field?

I am setting our financial university library, trying to make spine labels for our collection of books and the Spine Label option isn't available to be selected once I go into Print All Records. Plus all the other options I see in your FAQ website diagram contains so many other options that aren't available to me. What am I doing wrong?

If you're trying to design your labels in the Print Report window, consider creating your spine labels in the Print Label window instead. To learn how to do this, you can load our predefined templates and review the settings provided.

How do you add the field "call" to the field options for the labels? It is visible in the main library fields, but does not show up in the field list for the labels.

The library's main catalog must be set to "display each copy" mode to access all data fields, including main item data and copy data. library copies view mode.

I want a software system that will print dewey spine lables and create dewey based card catelogues. Does yours do that? I can't find it in the demo. If not, why not. It would seem basic to any real small library that is a library and not just a collection of books and CDs that was going to be checked out and searched by more than just one person.

You can include any piece of data on your labels, including Dewey Decimal classification. If your data has Dewey information, feel free to add it to your spine labels. To streamline the process, you can try using our auto-cataloging feature by selecting the Library of Congress as your search source. The search results from the Library of Congress will include the corresponding Dewey values, and you can automatically save it in the library.

Font size on spine label; How do I increase font size? I want to use first three letters of author's name for our spine labels.

Include the first three letters in the CALL data field. Then, in the Print Labels window, set the font size and margins on the Body page.

How to Design a New Spine Label

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