Cooking Books -> Desserts
Grand Finales : The Art of the Plated Dessert
Boyle, Tish
Moriarty, Timothy
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471287695
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Book Description
Ingram This unique book does for pastry making what no book has done before--it offers the first examination of the creative process of developing desserts. The authors formally define the eight "schools" of pastry that are present today and detail the
design principles and motivations behind each dessert type. 50 recipes. 20 illustrations.
Inside Flap Copy Grand Finales The Art of The Plated Dessert by Tish Boyle and Timothy Moriarty Feast your eyes on the most exquisite and flavorful
desserts created by fifty of the country's renowned pastry chefs in this groundbreaking new book, Grand Finales: The Art of The Plated Dessert. Authors Tish Boyle and Timothy Moriarty have written a book that will change the course of culinary
history—they have formally identified the different "schools" of pastry in relation to the world of art... read more
Book Description "A visually stunning and groundbreaking new book. Grand Finales: The Art of The Plated Dessert explores
the intimate connection between flavor and presentation with recipes that are truly extraordinary. Thanks to the magnificent efforts of the pastry chefs in this book, the language of desserts will never be the same." -Jacques Torres, Le Cirque, New York
A Gallery for the New Century A New Way to See, Taste, and Appreciate Neo-Classicism Echoes a classic dessert in form, preparation, or ingredients. Minimalism A single, primitive form supported by spare garnish. Illusionism Resembles a person, object, or
scene. Architecturalism Features a prominent vertical component. Impressionism Communicates a theme or mood. Modernism Abstract forms with bold colors and a satirical edge. Performance Art Displays action at the touch of fork or spoon. Eclecticism
Combines elements from other schools found herein. Fusionism Includes an ingredient or seasoning outside the European and American dessert tradition.
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