Question/Topic: Adding volunteers.
1. Open Volunteers database:
- On the File menu, click Load Database. Select Volunteers database and click Load
- Click New Record button, enter First Name, Last Name, and Unique
Name (required), enter additional volunteer information.
- Volunteer UniqueName value is required, this value will be used when
assigning a volunteer to a job, recording hours, entering activity log, ...
2. Volunteer, enter volunteer availability details:
- Click Avail. tab to display or enter availability details.
volunteer, enter availability days and hours:
3. Volunteer, enter volunteer skills, interests:
- Click Skills tab to display or enter volunteer skills and interests.
volunteer, enter volunteer skills:
4. Volunteer, enter contact activities:
- Click Log tab to display or enter contact transactions.
volunteer, enter contact transactions:
5. Volunteer, review assigned jobs, assign a new job/task:
- Click Jobs tab to display or enter volunteer's job assignments.
- Double-click with the left mouse button on the JOBS field to assign a new job for the selected volunteer. You can also assign jobs in the Placement (Job
Assignment) database.
volunteer, enter/review job/task assignments:
6. Volunteer, review hours worked, enter new hours:
- Click Hours tab to display or enter volunteer hours.
- Double-click with the left mouse button on the Hours field to record hours. You can also enter hours in the Hours (Volunteer Hours) database.
volunteer, enter/review hours:
7. Volunteer management database, view page:
- Click View tab to display the selected record on the View page (browser/html display form)
- Advanced user can modify the display format
view page; displays the selected record on one page, in the form of web page
(html document)