Network installation of a 32-bit version of PrimaSoft Organizer software:
On your network server run Setup.exe from disk #1, CD ROM, or your hard disk (if you downloaded and unzipped the software) and follow the installation instructions. As a result all components will be installed on the server and icons will be created.
If your network server is not running Windows NT or Windows 95 you should install Organizer software on a workstation (running Windows 95 or NT) first. Then copy, from the workstation to the server, the following:
If you set up BDE successfully skip to step 4.
On the machine on which you ran Setup.exe run Regedit.exe from Windows directory and expand the following key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Borland]. Export this key to a file e.g. Borland.reg. Open the exported file in Notepad and change all drive letters to the network drive letter on which all workstations will access BDE. Also, if BDE is not installed into the default directory, you may want to modify the directories to reflect the new BDE location.
For example, you may have to change:
"DLLPATH"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE"
"CONFIGFILE01"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\IDAPI32.CFG"
"BLAPIPATH"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE"
"LOCALE_LIB1"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\USA.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB2"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\EUROPE.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB3"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\OTHER.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB4"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\CHARSET.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB5"="C:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\CEEUROPE.BLL"
"DLLPATH"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE"
"CONFIGFILE01"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\IDAPI32.CFG"
"BLAPIPATH"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE"
"LOCALE_LIB1"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\USA.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB2"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\EUROPE.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB3"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\OTHER.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB4"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\CHARSET.BLL"
"LOCALE_LIB5"="F:\\Program Files\\Borland\\Common Files\\BDE\\CEEUROPE.BLL"
Notice the double back slash used in the above example. After making the above changes save the file and exit from Notepad. Copy the created Borland.reg file to a diskette or to the network server where it can be accessed from all workstations.
On every workstation start Regedit.exe (in Windows directory) and Import created earlier Borland.reg file.
On every workstation, create a program group and icons to access Organizer software. In most cases you will only need one icon that links to the main EXE file (residing on the network server).
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